Murals in USA...Page 3 of 3

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Chicago school lobby

The following paintings are a documentation from 3 locations where they were painted for grade schools between 1994-96 in USA. This was a very productive painting period I had and felt extremely honored and humbled to serve these schools.

The style of these wall paintings are strongly and figuratively compositional in theme...meaning that a great deal of fore-thought and step-by-step planning was put into play during the working process to create a unifying theme which is quite out of the ordinary. And for me this is not my usual way of working which is usually free-improvisational. 

The theme is the human being totally overcoming the forces of darkness within. These dark forces, through an inner compulsion of heart-less cold intellect...if left unchecked...lead firstly to detached isolation of self from others and nature and consequently reflects into our world as cultural and environmental isolation, chaos and ruthless materialism and ultimately to total world annihilation.

ONLY the force of inner heart activity, 'heart-thinking' leading to free-moral action can overcome and defeat the 'dragon' which continually tries in every conceivable way to distract, deceive and destroy. We are tested at every life moment.

Through art we can show our youth in an entirely imaginative way...however feeble it may be...a picture image of utmost courage and compassion.

Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School, Harlemville, NY state 1994  entrance lobby 

Chicago Waldorf School '95-'96  entrance lobby

Detroit Waldorf School 1996  stage wall in the auditorium   


Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School in Ghent, New York state

another angle

Chicago Waldorf School, entitled: "Courage and Compassion"

another view

central portion detail

central portion lower detail

Detroit Waldorf School in Indian Village, Detroit east side